Wednesday 7 February 2018

Why is Ayurveda so popular among common people?

Ayurveda is a system of medicine which has been popular since the days of Indus valley civilization. Majority of the practices of Ayurveda got developed during that period but some were added later through non-Vedic systems like Buddhism and Jainism.

Ayurvedic text focus on three elemental substances- the Dosas namely Vāta, Pitta and Kapha. It states that equality of dosas is necessary for good health while an unbalance leads to illness in the body. Ayurveda therapy training India focus on maintaining a balance of dosas in the body and treating the unbalance.

Early works of Sanskrit describes Ayurveda as a medicine which is divided into eight components. It is also mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. The eight components are as follows- General medicine, paediatrics, surgical techniques, ENT, pacification of possession spirits, toxicology, rejuvenation and techniques for increasing lifespan, treatments for increasing the volume and viability of semen and sexual pleasure.

There are also seven basic tissues in Ayurveda- tissues, blood, plasma, muscles, fat, bone, marrow and semen. Ayurveda divides the body into five elements and twenty gunas.

A technique in Ayurveda specifically used to treat stress and anxiety is Massage. The Ayurvedic massage is also known by the name of ‘Abhyanga’. It is done by applying lots of oil to the body and then performing therapist sequence to relax the muscles. The benefits of Ayurveda massage training in India can be seen in mind, body, skin and immune system.

The scientific reason behind Ayurvedic massage is to increase the flow of blood in the distant part of the body. The direction in which oil is applied is opposite to the body hair. Some of the ingredients used in massage involve- Oil, herbal powder and herbal ghee.

If you want to learn Ayurveda in India, Aitheinhealing institute is the place to be. Through their experienced faculty and the holistic approach for Ayurveda, you get the best possible Ayurveda education.

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