Thursday 8 February 2018

What are the crucial concepts of Ayurveda taught in India?

The credit for giving the gift of Ayurveda to the world goes to India. It is described in the classical Ayurvedic texts that knowledge of Ayurveda was passed on by gods to the sages and from them, it was passed on to humans.

As time passed, Ayurveda has spread in different parts of the world, and it got established in the general wellness applications and medical use. Majority of the development phase in Ayurveda took place during the Vedic period, but some practices from non-Vedic systems like Buddhism and Jainism were added later on.

The earliest Ayurvedic texts divide medicine into eight parts. The central idea in Ayurveda emphasises on balance and suppressing the urges is considered unhealthy as in some cases suppressing of sneezing can lead to shoulder pain. However, people are also cautioned to stay within the limits of reasonable balance. It is advised that food intake, sleep and sexual intercourse should be done in moderation.

Ayurveda healing course teaches students about seven primary tissues in human body. These tissues are-plasma, blood, muscles, fat, bone, marrow and semen. Similarly, the bodily substances get divided into five classical elements- Earth, Water, Fire, Ether and Air. There are twenty Gunas which are present in all the materials permanently according to Ayurveda.

The aspirants who study Ayurveda in India are taught about three elemental substances, i.e. the doshas. They are- Vitta dosha, Pitta dosha and Kapha Dosha. The students are taught that a balance of these doshas is good for health whereas an imbalance leads to illness in the body.

The doctors of Ayurveda consider the physical existence, mental existence and personality as a single unit and each element having the ability to influence the other.

Aitheinhealing is a top Ayurveda college in India. Here Ayurveda aspirants from across the globe come to learn from some of the best and most experienced practitioners. Contact us to enrol in the courses today.

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